Tabetha has been a featured expert/guest on change and building capability for BusinessX Radio in Atlanta, GA. She is an engaging and wonderful speaker, presenting for multiple organizations and companies on a wide-range of change, learning, talent and professional topics. She is considered by many an expert in building talent and high performance leader, organzations and teams around the world.
Highlighted KeyNOTE:
Leading a Lemonade Life-
When life throws you a bunch of lemons, what are you going to do?
Through hilarious stories, examples and an experiential activity, Tabetha shows us all how to turn even the most challenging situation (Lemons) into success (Lemonade) through harnessing and building our change hardiness and resilience muscles!
Tabetha's style is warm and engaging. Through the use of stories, examples and getting people up out of their seat, she inspires an energizing environment that builds learning, simple application, and results. Bio Here.